Thanks for stopping by my Digital Garden. For the longest time, I've avoided doing anything with this website because of how overwhelmed I'd become when I thought about how much work I'd need to put into making a nice looking site. At the end of the day, I wanted a place to publish my thoughts and learnings in engineering and a variety of other things.
After discovering a new set of tools that let me publish a site in less than an hour without having to worry about the aesthetics upfront, I finally have a place I can start collecting my thoughts and hopefully provide some insights and answer questions others come across in their journey's as Embedded, Software and Electrical Engineers.
Update 03/21/2024
I'm in the process of updating my website to unify the tools I use, including Obsidian -- as an embedded systems engineering professional, my frontend skills could use some sharpening. To this end, I'm integrating ButterCMS to spruce up the place! Stay tuned.